发布时间: 2011-09-12 浏览次数: 2738


Guidelines for Examinees

Graded Test for English Majors-Band 8

Oral Test

The oral test for fourth-year English major is designed to assess your oral interpretation skills and your ability to speak English. It consists of three tasks: Task One: Interpreting from English into Chinese, Task Two: Interpreting from Chinese into English, Task Three: Making a comment on a given topic.

For both Task One and Task two, you will first listen to a speech that lasts about two or three minutes. This first speech provides a context for the interpreting that you will do when you hear the speech the second time. The part of the speech you are required to interpret is usually shorter than the one you have heard the first time, you should get ready for interpreting. The speech for interpreting is divided into four or more segments and each segment consists of one or two sentences. Between every two segments there is a pause signaled by the sound of a beep. Once you have heard the beep, please start interpreting. When you hear the next beep, you should stop interpreting and get ready to listen to the next segment.

For Task Three, each of you gets a sheet of paper that contains a topic and direction. The topic you are to comment on is about a national or international issue. Your preparation time is four minutes. Your comment is limited to three minutes.



1.           全国英语专业八级口语考试采用录音形式。

2.           进入考场后,应根据考号对号入座。如有差错,立即向监考人员报告。

3.           对号入座后,用2分钟时间阅读“考生须知”。

4.           考试共有3项任务。第一项任务是英译中、第二项任务是中译英。第一、二项的口译内容已录在考试音带上。每项任务的录音播放两遍。第一遍播放讲话全文,目的是让考生了解口译材料的背景和内容。第二遍分段播放所需口译的内容。考生可以边听边做笔记。每段后有开始口译和停止口译的提示声。考生在听到提示声后,开始口译;当再次听到提示声时,则停止口译。一般情况下,考生所需可口译的内容只是讲话全文的一部分。第三项任务是评论,考生准备4分钟,评论3分钟。

5.           录音设备一律由监考人员和电教人员操作,不得擅自摆弄。

6.           录音时,应适当控制音量。音量太低将影响得分。 




