一、 简介
谢枝龙,博士、教授、博士生导师,江西师范大学外国语学院副院长,省级高层次人才。2015年获广东外语外贸大学外国语言学及应用语言学博士学位,2016-2017年任纽约城市大学研究中心神经语言学实验室高级访问教授。主要从事二语习得、心理语言学和神经语言学研究,特别是对双语学习及认知控制机制进行了深入而系统性的研究。在 SSCI 一区期刊 Bilingualism: Language and Cognition, CSSCI期刊《现代外语》等发表50多篇论文。主持国家社科基金课题1项,第一参与国家级课题2项、主持省级课题3项;获江西省社会科学优秀成果二等奖1项、三等奖1项;获优秀教师、熊智明奖教金等多项荣誉;在国际权威学术出版社出版专著1部;任多家SSCI期刊(International Journal of Bilingualism, Frontiers in Neuroscience等)审稿人, 任SSCI期刊Sage Open特邀编辑,国际期刊English Language Teaching等编委;任江西省大学外语研究会副会长、江西省外语学会理事、 中国心理语言学学会会员。
研究生:《研究生英语写作》、《语言教学流派》、《研究设计》、《心理语言学》、 《神经语言学》、《语言教师心理》等。
本科生:《英语学科教学》、《综合英语》、《英语口语》、《跨文化交际》、《英美 国家概况》、《中学英语教学技能培训》、《中国文化概论》、《英语视听》、 《大学英语》等。
国际权威学术出版社 Peter Lang.
Xie, Z. (2016).Bilingual Advantages: Contributions of Different Bilingual Experiences to Cognitive Control Differences among Young-adult Bilinguals. Bern(Switzerland):Peter Lang AG International Academic Publisher.
1. Li, Q., Xie*, Z., & Zeng, G. (2023). The Influence of Teaching Practicum on Foreign Language Teaching Anxiety Among Pre-Service EFL Teachers. SAGE Open, 13(1), 215824402211490. doi: 10.1177/21582440221149005
2. Xie, Z., Zeng, G., Zhou, S., & Wang, J. (2022). The influence of cognitive control on the processing of L2 garden path sentence among Chinese–English bilinguals. Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience, 16.doi: 10.3389/fnbeh.2022.976155
3. Xie, Z., & Chu, X. (2022). Bilingual effect: the influence of L2 reading proficiency on cognitive control differences among young adult Chinese-English bilinguals. Journal of Cognitive Psychology, 1-7. https://doi.org/10.1080/20445911.2022.2147188
4. Xie, Z., & Antolovic, K. (2022). Differential impacts of natural L2 immersion and intensive classroom L2 training on cognitive control. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 75(3), 550-562. https://doi.org/10.1177/17470218211040813
5. Xie, Z., Wang, W., Chu, X., Qiu, Q., Yuan, F., Huang, J., & Chen, M. (2021). Contributions of Demographics, Language Learning Experience, and Cognitive Control to Chinese Reading Comprehension. Frontiers in Psychology, 12, 770579. https://doi.org/ 10.3389/fpsyg.2021.770579
6. Xie, Z., & Dong, Y. (2021). Influence of the study abroad bilingual experience on cognitive control among young adults. International Journal of Bilingualism, 25(5), 1417- 1428. https://doi.org/ 10. 1177/ 13670069211023126
7. Qiu, Q., Xie*, Z., Xiong,Y., & Zhou, F. (2021).Belief Change Before and After the Teaching Practicum Among Chinese Pre-Service ELT Teachers. SAGE Open, 11(1), 1- 14. https://doi.org/10.1177/21582440211004934
8. Xie, Z., & Zhou, S. (2020). Bilingualism, Demographics, and Cognitive Control: A Within-Group Approach. Frontiers in Psychology, 11, 94. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2020.00094
9. Xie, Z., & Pisano, T. S. (2019). Second language (L2) proficiency, socioeconomic status (SES), and intelligence (IQ) are significant predictors of cognitive control differences among young adult unbalanced Chinese-English bilinguals. Bilingualism: Language and Cognition, 22(04), 866-882. https://doi.org/10.1017/s1366728918000822
10. Xie, Z. (2018)The Influence of Second Language (L2) Proficiency on Cognitive Control Among Young Adult Unbalanced Chinese-English Bilinguals. Frontiers in Psychology. 9:412. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2018.00412
11. 谢枝龙. (2018). 中国汉英双语者双语优势的特征. 现代外语, 41(04), 505-512.
12. Xie, Z., & Dong, Y. (2017). Contributions of bilingualism and public speaking training to cognitive control differences among young adults. Bilingualism: Language and Cognition, 20(01), 55-68. https://doi.org/10.1017/s1366728915000474
13. 谢枝龙. (2015). 双语学习促进认知发展的机制. 解放军外国语学院学报, 38( 1), 37-43.
14. Dong, Y., & Xie, Z..(2014).Contributions of L2 proficiency and interpreting experience to cognitive control differences among young adult bilinguals. Journal of Cognitive Psychology, 26(5), 506-519.
15. Xie, Z. (2014).Second-Language Proficiency,Language Use,and Mental Set Shifting in Cognitive Control among Unbalanced Chinese-English Bilinguals. SAGE Open, 4(4). doi: 10. 1177/2158244014563040
16. 谢枝龙(2014). 双语水平与认知控制心智转换.心理发展与教育,30 (05), 512-519.
17. 谢枝龙.(2014). 双语词汇激活的非特定观. 西安外国语大学学报, 22 (03), 56-64.
1. Xie, Z. & Wang, W.(2022). The role of cognitive control in L2 (English) writing performance. At the 6th China International Conference of Psycholinguistics: Hangzhou, Zhejiang University, China 第六届中国心理语言学国际研讨会,浙江大学,杭州
2. Xie, Z.(2019). Different bilingual experiences and cognitive control. At the 5th China International Conference of Psycholinguistics: Chengdu University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, China 第五届中国心理语言学国际研讨会,电子科技大学,成都
3. Xie, Z.(2019). L2 immersion and L2 speaking enhance cognitive control among Chinese-English bilinguals. At the 12th ISB (International Symposium on Bilingualism): Alberta, University of Alberta, Canada 第12届国际双语研讨会,加拿大阿尔伯特大学,阿尔伯特
4. Xie, Z. (2015). L2 proficiency as a continuous variable enhances cognitive control in bilinguals. At the 3rd China International Conference of Psycholinguistics: Nanjing, Nanjing Normal University, China 第三届中国心理语言学国际研讨会,南京师范 大学,南京
5. Xie, Z. (2015).Contributions of bilingualism and public speaking training to cognitive control differences among young adults. at Bilingualism and Executive Functions Workshop: New York, Graduate center of CUNY, USA 双语与执行控制 功能研讨会,纽约城市大学研究生中心,纽约
6. Xie, Z. (2014).Which contributes more to bilingual advantage, L2 proficiency or language interpreting? At the 2nd China International Conference of Psycholinguistics:Fuzhou, Fujian Normal University, China 第二届中国心理语言学国际研讨会,福建 师范大学,福建
7. Xie, Z. (2012). Language switching and cognitive executive control in bilinguals. at the 2nd Forum of Applied Linguistics:Guangzhou,Guangdong University of Foreign Studies, China 第二届应用语言学论坛,广东外语外贸大学,广州
8. Xie, Z. (2007). A Multi-style Approach to English Teaching in the New Context of CAL. At the 5th China International Conference of English Language Teaching. Beijing: Beijing University of Foreign Studies, China 第五届中国英语教学国际研 讨会,北京外国语大学,北京
9. Xie, Z. (2004).How language learners comprehend language. At the 4th China International Conference of English Language Teaching.Beijing:Beijing University of Foreign Studies, China 第四届中国英语教学国际研讨会,北京外国语大学,北京
1. The influence of bilingual learning experiences on cognitive control (2019-).National Social Science Fund of China (19BYY0083).(PI)双语学习方式对认知控制的影 响研究 (国家社科2019,主持)
2. A study of Cognitive effect of public speaking training. Jiangxi Arts and Humanity Social Science Project. (YY20110).(PI)公共演讲的认知效应研究(高校人文 2020,主持)
3. The relationship between L2 speaking and cognitive control development. Jiangxi Social Science Fund (19WT98). (PI)二语演讲与认知控制发展关系研究(省社科 2019,主持)
4. A Study of the Relationship between Foreign Language Learning and Cognitive Development (2015-656). Jiangxi Arts and Humanity Social Science Project.(PI)外 语学习与认知发展的关系研究 (高校人文,结题,主持)
5. Development of Syntactic Competence and its contributing factors.( 13CYY023). (2013).National Social Science Fund of China. (First participating member)句法 能力发展及其影响因素研究 (国家社科2013 ,第一参与)
6. Grammatical development of Chinese English Learners—the processing of syntactic ambiguity as one case ( 12YJC740127). (2012). Human Social Science Project from National Education Ministry. (First participating member)中国英语学习者语法发展---以句法歧义加工为例 (教育部人文2012 ,第一参与)
7. A Psychological Study of Foreign Language Production (11WX30). (2011).Social Science Project from Jiangxi Province.(First participating member)外语产出的心 理研究 (省社科,第一参与)
8. A Psychological Study of Language Control Mechanism (2009JJD740007). (2009). Human Social Science Project from National Education Ministry. (Fourth participating member) 语言控制机制的心理研究(教育部人文重点,第四参与)